Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: New Results

Static affine clocked-based scheduling and its seamless integration to ASME2SSME

Participants : Huafeng Yu, Yue Ma, Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin.

An AADL model is not complete and executable if the thread-level scheduling is not resolved. Some scheduling tools, such as Cheddar [57] , are well connected to AADL for schedulability analysis, scheduler synthesis and simulation inside these tools. However, they do not completely satisfy our demands for the following reasons: 1) logical and chronometric clocks are easily transformed into each other for formal and real-time analysis; 2) more events, such as input/output frozen events are also involved in the analysis; 3) static and periodic scheduling rather than stochastic/dynamic scheduling is expected due to predictability and formal verification; 4) the scheduling is easily and seamlessly connected to affine clock systems [58] so that formal analysis can be performed in Polychrony. Affine clock relations yield an expressive calculus for the specification and the analysis of time-triggered systems. A particular case of affine relations is the case of affine sampling relation expressed as y={d·t+φtx} of a reference discrete time x (d,t,φ are integers): y is a subsampling of positive phase φ and strictly positive period d on x.

We therefore propose a static affine-clocked-based scheduler synthesis process in the transformation from AADL to Signal, which includes the following subprocesses: 1) calculate hyper-period from the periods of all the threads according to the least common multiple principle; 2) perform the scheduling based on the hyper-period, and valid schedules are calculated according to a static, non-preemptive, and single-processor scheduling policy. More precisely, discrete events of each thread, such as dispatch, input/output frozen time, start and complete, are allocated in the hyper-period on condition that all their timing properties are satisfied. Affine clock relations of these events are ensured during the calculation. In the calculation process, different scheduling policies are considered, such as EDF and RM; 3) export schedules to Signal affine clocks in a direct way. This process, implemented as an independent Eclipse plugin, has been seamlessly integrated into the ASME2SSME toolchain.